No rest for the weary
There is no rest for the weary
No rest for the weary
No realization in the calculation
Same old Adam and Eve story
Same old Adam and Eve story hey
No rest for the weary
No realization in the calculation
Same old Adam and Eve story
Same old Adam and Eve story
aye aye aye aye aye hey
______ are his only liar
As it was told by history
They always use the warm and the tender
to laid the track for me
There is no rest for the weary
No realization in the calculation
Same old Adam and Eve story
aye aye hey hey hey hey hey
Sin, ever again
I know who you think you are
And I know who you wanna be, now
But who you are right now yeah
this is the actuality hey
Tek opressions of dem things Jah pretends
And spice and fishys they can be, aye aye
Place deep not, it is a red ____, well not for me
There is no rest for the weary
No realization in the calculation
Same old Adam and Eve story
aye aye aye aye hey
Discipline, your physical nature
Discipline of the flesh oh
Reflections of our carnality
Every day, every day,
this is your ____ you made to test
no rest for the weary aye ahey
You reach up my soul
Human body the reunion with my spiritual I
Reach up my soul
Help the ___I may void, human body, man don’t like
Kindness is so easy
You alleviate the raid of your taxs seems to fight
And we can’t cure this sick medically yeah
A disease of your body, a disease of your mind
We only are riding on a
We only riding on a vibes
Rastafar I yeah
A positive hearts yeah yeah
Yeah yeah
There is no rest for the weary yeah
no rest for the weary yeah Iya whoa yeah

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the Almighty King!
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RastafarI Love!
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