Greetings & love in the name of His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassie I of Ithiopia,
My name is Datjy(32) from Rotterdam, The Netherlands. I was serving the internet for a while looking for a good Midnite fan page. Surprisingly i couldnt find any, accept for the official website. The first thought that popped up was how can it be that the best Roots band out there dont have their own fan page? Impossible! So here's the result. A 100% supporting and non-commercial fan page.
I spoke to Vaughn personally after the Amsterdam show on june 3rd, 2010 (give thanks to Ron for taking me backstage). I asked him why they dont have any pictures of themself on the album covers. He told me clearly that pictures arent important at all. Its all about the message in the music, the words. I love and respect this statement deeply and ofcourse i totally agree.
Vaughn brings the message of His Imperial Majesty. I love his purity and humbleness. For me he is an example on how to live on Mother Earth as a human being, that is in love and light. I think we can learn a lot from this man. He talk the talk and walks the walk. Action speak always louder than words. And because of this i just wanted to use his pictures. And ofcourse because this is a fan page. So i hope he dont mind.
If you ask me, Midnite is by far the most amazing roots band that ever did it. Everbody who did hear the mystical vibes knows what im talking about, especially at a live show, which is a overwhelming and lovely experience, a complete meditation, real rootical vibrations, higher heights. Once a Midnite song is touching your soul, there's no way back, youre in, you probaly know exactly what im talking about. And i love it.
If somebody would ask me what does Midnite mean to you, I would say: Midnite is consciousness, be conscious in this present moment in time, especially African consciousness .
Midnite makes us aware of Haile Selassie I, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, conquering Lion of the tribe of Judah, RastafarI.
Midnite lets us know how we should treat Mother Earth. And how to live in harmony with our brothers en sisters. And last but not least, how to care and appreciate our beatiful nature. This is all very important, especially in these times.
Midnite is a pure and spiritual vibration. Midnite is a reflection and the essence of life itself. This is probably the reason why im so attracted to them. I know there are a lot of good roots artists out there, but to be honest and with all due respect, i hardly listen to others anymore.
Midnite is the Truth and the Light brought in the name of Love.
I made this fan page to spread the inevitable and heartwarming Midnite music and message. And you can help me do this. Please help me by typing out the lyrics to the songs and E-mail them to me so i can put them on the website in the 'Words Ov Right' section. So even if you dont ovastand every word Vaughn is saying in the songs, like myself, everybody is still able to ovastand the message. E-Mail all your lyrics to:
My bredren Edelssy, almost my neighbour here in Rotterdam, is backing me up with everything on the fan page. He is one of the biggest youtube sharers on Midnite video's and live shows. Check out his youtube channel right here.
I also have a lot of Midnite video's and live shows on my youtube channel. You can find my channel right here.
So take a look around and enjoy yourself!
InI give thanks for Midnite!..InI give thanks for life!
More ovastanding & more consciousness!
In Love & Light!
Selassie I, RastafarI!

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the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
Dont forget to leave your mark in the 'Visitor World Map' section!
Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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