Good thoughts
To control the balance inside, i bring joy, i bring good feeling
good thoughts, bring good feelings, bring good vibes, come bring real thing
all have heard it said before, "if you don't feel social-able,
be careful of the mood, careful of the vibes
don't spoil a celebration"
perspectives of more than i, it's a plural but singular i
bring good thoughts, bring good feelings, bring good vibes, bring real thing
bring the real thing, rastafari bring the real thing, yea
so many days of petty squabbling difficulty technical difficulties
stop the show, everything yea movin in slow mo
because if the feelings, because of the tensions
bring love, and bring good feelings, and bring real thing
oh rastafari children
trinitarian is the example, it must 3 ways go round
and for sure it must reach, honor the sound, honor the vibe
bring good feeling, give it real meaning, intention and feeling
bring good thoughts, bring good feelings, bring good vibes, bring real thing
all rastafari, when you come, bring the real thing
don't you come to stress up the place
don't you come to bring down the place
don't you sit and self pity marinate
when you could ride with the vibes
share a good feeling
be happy for you sistren for your idren
share in the feeling
come with the vibes
come with good feeling
come bring the real thing, real thing

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the Almighty King!
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Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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