High place
I have seen
the high place
in a likkle dirty place
i have seen the high place
in a body so frail
with wavering speech
a feeble voice
she uttering
meeting my eyes with strength
burning down babylon
i have seen the high place
in many unexpected and unusual ways
i have seen
a european
fully resembling lion
characteristic and impression
humbling to the covenant
i have seen the high place
the high place
the god of corn
the fifth m
cinco de m
the high place
i have seen the high place
knick knick
talking of his majesty this day
speaking of his majesty this day
all who have come and judged them
numerous war battle scar
i have seen the high place
i have seen the high place
in a likkle youth with the strangest question
how come they don’t have lions how come they don’t have mane
i have seen the high place
i have seen the high place
chain linking like a grid
players of players are playing
singers of singers are chanting
selassie i inna the marrow of the wind
i have seen the highways
highways of jointjoint in the body
joint to my penial hypothalumus
what them a call petuitary
jacob wrestle with jah at a place called penal
an allegorical high place
yes i have seen the high place
the riders

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RastafarI Love!
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