Get through
Tell I se that you get through
I hope se that you get trough
I pray for you you get trough
With nuff peace and rescue
Call I Dayanse that you get trough
You no get false that you get trough
Jah have mercy and hurt the people of your covenant
Contried right now I asking you begging you
I wish not to insult you measures balances and ropes you are the Judge of all deeds
Self willed and fully aware, when transgressing against His laws I and I many time
And still them beg and besiege as if we don’t deserve it and should not take the fall
I and I no better than I and I dreaddy
Juma we know your in a much higher place stan how these things come down
The spirit of rastafai live on live on
Man and man holding on the early spirit of, righteous seal
Dreaddy bring the message from Bob and we a shore of His Majesty in a community
So let the goodmention live on, balance in thi attack against a whole levity
Natures inevitable ultimate pendulums swing and all ones a face eternity
Tell I se that you get through
Tell I se that you get through
Tell I se that you get through
I pray for you you get trough
With nuff peace and rescue
Call I Dayan se that you get trough
Cataclysmic and daily traumatic
Hundred thousand a facing in thi earth right now
Thank Jah Rastafari for your good and remember the sufferin others have with soberness
While we all eat drink and make more and more merry, closer and closer the calamity reach
Panda utta Rastafari name and mek it echo-chet ricochet in the street
So in the final conclusion of it all Fear Jah and do
See equality of bread if you could, if you could hear now
What bias smile of the wind, could be good, to any good
Jah share the rain pan all the hood, upan all the hood
Whats the difference between the wise and the fool
All have come shart ya between the rules
So pass I thi Holy sacramenttha
Pass Rastfari the tools
Tell I se that you get through
I hope se that you get trough
I pray for you you get trough
I pray for you you get trough

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RastafarI Love!
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