Poze arf
Distant ____ (trials)
What you gotten so far
There’s no shape that shame will chase more than a humble form
The new better ____(off?)
_____ the previous state
Poze arf
A resistent try
What yourself apply
Contribute to the now, meanwhile
Purity, inoccent, essence from the infantile, like a child
To be like a little child
Everyone come and gone ____
How did they experience different songs
Was it only chant out and beating for the most High
Confusing and who, why ____ that thing go on
What hav you got so far
What you got so far
There’s no shape that shame will chase more than a humble form
The new better off
_____ the previous state
Poze arf
There is a song that’s beating in my life
Simple ___ to hold your cheer
Among the living ____ glad you? to be
Ungreatful for vegetibles blessing and we so don’t care
____ the africans ___ pon the _____
The ancestors ______ gathering
What we got so for
What you got so far
There’s no shape that shame will chase more than a humble form
The new better off
_____ the previous state
Poze arf
___drin of chariots in the Cloud
Beauty of the rains and ___
Jah work it all
Who never know not thing about
Culture collected ____ beauty all about
Everything the Earth bring on
Man dem wild ____
They never had they just come ina nature house
They never had they just coming ina nature _____
Poze arf
First ___ over ___
Against celestial _____
___ changing out the projects for them feel
___ experimenting still
Destruction in progess still
Hold still
What we got so for
What you got so far
There’s no shape that shame will chase more than a humble form
The new better off
_____ the previous state
Poze arf

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the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
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Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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