Children of Jah
We are the children of Jah
we are his dwelling place
We are the children of Jah
look what our hands can make
look what our minds can make
Until sci-fi and fake it
Looks like non-bio degrade
We are the children of Jah
look what our hands can make
Cities to the sky
Nimrod a babalyon say
Robot armies of a drone embrace
Robot armies of a drone embrace
Peer satellite cyber warfare at a hectic pace
They are some social ideals that must be replaced
They can already annihilate a race… human race
We are the children of Jah
look what our hands can make
Exceleration of disgrace
Who made space race ?
Children of Jah
Children of Jah
We need to revere this place
Preserve this place
Maintain and keep our place
The whole earth
They only study of the lightening and thunder
Ignition and combustion wways
Fire is the element of change
Children of Jah
Whoa children of jah
Keep your faith
When scientific innovations is the leader
The whole world turned that page
To follow that page
Whoa Children of Jah
Children of jah
Children of Jah

Welcome to the realm of
the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
Dont forget to leave your mark in the 'Visitor World Map' section!
Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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