Evening come
King Selassie I
At first,
He’s the Precept; He is the King of Kings
Babylon across!!!
Heading for Zion, Heading for Zion
Evening come, Morning come
No matter how much dem elite is over intercom,
As long as evening come morning come dawn in come
Yeah eh, evening come morning come
No matter how much dem elite is over intercom,
A new day get a welcome wen dropped in the sun
And make seen Selassie I on the waves
All over Iration, Iration
It fro…in us which power and him make a throne
Is how to inherit dem pre destination
When all such is done from nature come
They have to run a side game of monstro-gantic as a bomb
The highest power sitting reacting numb
And confounding themselves with dem long slip of un admission and futile reputation come,
Bone to the manner from and out of top trick grown current
Ina de Roman, officials and all could find no part with this one
Heading for Zion, Heading for Zion
Evening come, Morning come
No matter how much dem elite is over intercom,
As long as evening come morning come dawn in come
Yeah eh, evening come morning come
No matter how much dem elite is over intercom,
A new day get a welcome wen dropped in the sun
Ehh, eh..Selassie I make it be seen the most high out in front of ambition
When Evening come first and Morning second,
For these are the legacies of vengeance and get ahead competition
Officious pushfull like always his ways of conquest for survival,
In a techway-tion, Upgrade and elimination, Insecurity patent and turn
Most time resulting into poor people dis-confiscation
Ehh, Heading for Zion, Heading for Zion
Heading for Zion!!!
Every time, evening come morning come…yeah
And chaos still in world interview self spoken
Human super collider orchestration
Incidents from abstract to marsh up happen in reality to yo sense
See it, the evening come morning second
Drive in come one in come
The shipment, the document
Where the tariff, is the levy and the levy is the tax a meant
And how much percentage you pay percent
All hidden inah their a bloggment
When Evening come, Morning come
Evening come
Heading for Zion, Heading for Zion
Make Selassie I work be seen
Upon all iration, Upon all iration
All Iration!!!

Welcome to the realm of
the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
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Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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