Better world rasta, more dem down
The less dem down
More dem down
Then the less dem down
So dem ya run it ina town
So dem ya run it ina de town,
A better man rasta
A better world rasta,
A better dem rasta,
A better unto Jah,
I sing out outta Jah
I hail de emperor, Negus, Ambesa, Selah,
Selassie I, star war
Let me tell u mi speech,
When u go to sleep you lose control over the heat,
Yo character hafi see it, jah is with I, awake and asleep,
Only when I fall short I lose my place at his feet
Yeah ah eeh…
The father’s dem de old man of the mountain,
Successfully make de pass unto this time,
To flourish off precept from set down
Haile I is deserving of the crown
More time, more time ran out in a hearing
And less time spent out in a listening
Play factor draw water……
Sing it, as Jah herb with joy is medicine
Eh um…,Chat it to de animal chat it to de instinct
And make it spirit sweet and this distinct
A better man rasta
A better world rasta,
A better dem rasta,
A better unto Jah,
I sing out unto Jah
I hail de emperor, Negus, Ambesa,
Eh yeah….eh yeah
Blood current Ina de instant adjoinment,
Is dem mis-joinment must give we soul tirement,
The emotion scale ah come back for men
Yeah, remember Haile I was givin back for moment,
Eternal rule them can’t move it for a moment
Not to produce good asking and behold them
Was the rock child from now till then
From I don’t care shine I, from warn dem
Take a pattern out of patent of a falling,
Have it as a number one priority to implement,
Every time a lion out of such thing a fled dem, yeah
Eh, dem ah say...
More dem down
Then the less dem down
So now dem a run it ina town
So dem ya run it ina town,
A better man rasta
A better dem rasta,
A better world rasta,
A better unto Jah,
I sing out unto Jah
I hail de emperor, Negus, Ambesa, Selah,
SELAH Selassie I

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