Scientist black
Send the scientist black
Straight black to the start human will desire and emotion
These are the projected target practice of human relation
These are the openings that man walk through for domination
These are the avenues and the ocean of decimation
Within the genetical continental drift of the nations
Max-speed the light realignment and contemplation
You empires give the herbs of the feel a standing ovation
For blessing this vibe the ecological mess you make upon iration
The anxiety was local
and the anxiety was global
Fear of wealth redistribution and a climb down total
Gloating and insults and demoralization
Not to mention wars outta the public dominion
Fear of decline and fears of demotion
Then a blanket of comfort is His Majesties example
Freed the captives with their dignity and spoke reconciliation
Just like the basic model human family trinitarian
Electron, proton to neutron
Neutrino to fermion
Planks length to fermion
Photon to boson
Electron to positron
Electron deflection back away scatter emotion
Magnetic resonance take a guess at what is not solid and gone
Cause of disturbance
Anti-partical anti-matter brought into motion
Terms was the physics and the vernacular was quantum
Only thing ya now the real situation was human
Careful of what you pop into existence perpetual
Upon a post-modernist clock
Eight seconds from the orb of the earth
To the orb of the sun
Light speed established and limit to the speed of everyone
Intention to profit wrong straight passing knowledge to greed to ignorance
Greedier and pass capability on the way down
Deplace disorder spice rack throw down
Restoration of your spirit is a resurrection
Make a better day as implementation come
Selassie the man get up on the world weight holding it down
How to proceed by human spirit to happiness fruition
How to sleep well contented when you lay down
Well its wether you want reap or repercussion
Well its wether I and I want weeping under the sun
Selassie perseverance a joy when weeping come, eh
As herb give man penetration to relate to reason
As the techno bio chemist them approaching to realms unknown
The intention in the root of the end average come around
and the ripe on the trees and them get shake down
and the net was catching so much traffic slow down
Send the scientist, Send the Scientist Black

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