Lion out of Zion
AhWhoaaaa... Yeah... Woe!!!
By the rivers of Jordan
I wash I hand; Original Man
A Lion out of Zion
This is what I am, this is what I am!!!
Mesopotamia to Levant
In a gold caravan
Ten thousand attendant
In ah d Gihon; In ah d Kidron
This is what I am, this is what I am
This is who I am...
I am, what I am... What I am!!!
Borrow and transition
All world Kingdom
Rasta Giza come down
This is what I am, This is what I am
Servants of the principle for maintenance
This is what I am...
RastafarI Children
This is who I am... This is who I am!!!
This is who I am...
I am.. Who I am, who I am!!!
Awoee...woe.... Yes!!!
Sahara to Fertile Crescent
Susa and Bashan
Deep in ah the South of Sudan
Diasporadic dispersion...
Coromandel.. Coromantee man; England
Josa out of Saqqara and in ah Akra, Og
Addis Abeba... Where the whole Lion trod!!!
I too was in a Anatolia...
When Tunisia,
Carthage, whole Phoenicia;
Ancient Punt, Yemen, Somalia...
As Ithiopian!!!
Melanin of Grecia
It's about the Roots and the Branch!!!
Ancient Western Land.
This is who I am... Who I am!
This is what I am... What I am... Who I am... Who I am!!!
Tiferet Bahurim...
Rachel Children; Ithiopian
David Command,
Jesse Son Command...
Lion out of Zion...
This what I am... Who I am
This is who I am
This is who I am
A Lion out of Zion...
This is who I am
This is what I am!!!
This is what I am...
I am... What I am... Who I am!!!

Welcome to the realm of
the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
Dont forget to leave your mark in the 'Visitor World Map' section!
Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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