High order
High Order
Whoaaa yayyy yaay aayy
Is Good to have life
Is Good to feel heights yeahh
In a moment of time
As I setter of trees
And Feel lifted of Life
The Majesty of Haile Selassie I the First onto all I prescribe
For High Order in deed
For High Order in Life
Giving thanks also to people that care for your life
It’s what everyone needs
And act good alike He
As changing of fortunes
Days make them alike
Them make them alike yeeeeee
Alike yeee….yeahhh
When happiness has you
You are glad to be captive there
They volunteer cares
To anticipate ease
The preparation was well received and made grace fully complete
The fast break, Inertia’s feet…yeee
Reciprocity for ripple collection
Mass moving cooperation
Them Illusion of the laws
In retention …how you treat people from hands to hands
Natural condition
RastafarI Appeal is from
Ones will notice
Who bring solvent to situation
And for Inity to practical livity and expanding creativity within
The confines of wall was given by the Almighty striving
Perfection from ABCs
Is good to be the seed
And the living of the world say…
Is Good to have Life
Is Good to feel Heights yeahhh
A moment of time…
As I setter of trees and feel lifted of Life
The Majesty of Haile Selassie I the First onto all I prescribed…
For High Order in deed
For High Order in Life
Giving thanks also to people that care for your life
It’s what everyone needs
An act good alike He
As days changing fortunes
And make them alike
Make them alike yeeee
Careful you see it…
And Make them alike…yesss!!!

Welcome to the realm of
the Almighty King!
Please take a breath, relax yourself and take a good look around.
Dont forget to leave your mark in the 'Visitor World Map' section!
Enjoy your stay!
RastafarI Love!
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