midnite for all

If they want

If they want..if they want..if they want..people can overstand if they want…listen and see..listen and see true word if its relevant to form..and if its a good thing, a good thing to go on for thee to lead you on..if there’s rock stones in your heart, it better be the rock of ages, a principle holding on, if his own heart attack a man, easy to see me nothing should be circulating wrong, to keep a healthy balance…listen and see…if the truth be free to all..and if its not its not at all..wait and see..out of the way of harm officials while the soldiers are fighting on…fighting on…casualties casual..and the ever inner root of the cause..has everyone involved that a loss..on life road..that wrong motives got across..there is the evening process..and so….aww…and it was late when it was thought out…if they want..if they want..if they want..if they want…if they want…people can overstand if they want…listen and see..listen and see true word if its relevant to form..and if its a good thing, a good thing to go on for thee to lead you on..and if its rock stones in your heart, it better be the rock of ages, a principle holding on, if his own heart attack a man, easy to see me nothing should be circulating wrong, to keep a healthy balance…eeeey..heeee…eeeeyyy…ow how to bring these things to a hold…activistic speech when the cover of things pop off..revisiting memo’s that one..to implore and besieged to someone..to intervene en restore the come..after multiple false alarm…vigilance ignore the wrong phone call..that was the one that man told..humanity is family please recall..and need eachother after all..back together..after all…after all..back together after all…after police nuff come to the yard..and survival keep moving on..and the bill stone stop and on..and some new lawyer expands just add on..and the capitalists press on..girlish fronts justified by her moms..and her father failing to correct the son..and the sales which call temptation..to follow the herd must have just one…before the entire multitude come..if they want….if they want…if they want..

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